
Get to know your local farmer

The Moreton Bay Farm Trail is a must-do for those passionate about supporting local farmers and sourcing their produce locally.

It's about shopping small, and shopping local.

It's about small changes that make a big difference. 

It's about seasonal and fresh eating. 

It's about serving the kind of food you know the story is a little of that story. 

What do you love most about what you do? 

"I absolutely love working outside, and growing beautiful flowers is such a bonus. But I think seeing the joy that flowers bring to people when they pop into the farm to pick up a bunch or when I sell direct around town is just so nice" Amanda, Curlew Ridge Flower Farm

"Seeing the landscape function change, and learning more about the interrelationships between the animals and their environment" Kellie & Grant, Farmerly. 

"Working together and working outside! It requires creativity and problem solving." Daniel and Sarah, Five x Five Experiment. 


What inspired you to start your farm?

"The permaculture saying, “the solution lies in the problem”. Leesa, Leesa's Little Farm 

"Living a more stripped back and simple lifestyle. Finding something we can be passionate and motivated about." Daniel and Sarah, Five x Five Experiment. 

"I've always wanted to be a farmer but work kept us in the city for 20 years. It was really a COVID tree change that helped us take the leap." Amanda, Curlew Ridge Flower Farm

What does a day in the life of your farm look like?

"Checking water security is the number one thing that we look at, then it’s the animals and their fencing, moving livestock to fresh pastures, running electric fences to prepare for the next moves, mulching trees, planting seeds, all dependant on the biodynamic rhythms of the day." Kellie & Grant, Farmerly.

"Each day is different. One day I’m working among the dragon fruit, the next may be in the
food forest, the following might be in the veggie beds. Pruning, bagging, harvesting,
mulching, chopping and dropping, there’s always something different to do."  Leesa, Leesa's Little Farm. 

"A huge list of jobs and aspirations which bring excitement when completed. Every day is different with new challenges to figure out."  Todd, The Regenerative Training Centre. 

What do people always say they love about your farm?

The flowers! The simple beauty of it and the sense of peacefulness." Daniel and Sarah, the Five x Five Experiment

"The outlook from the back lawn. Everyone breathes out and says “this is heaven”. It is, and I appreciate waking up here every morning." Jacki, Blue Dog Farm. 

 "It's a beautiful place, so quiet and tucked away", "It feels lovely here" Todd, The Regenerative Training Centre. 

"They say that the views from our property are wonderful and when people reach the flower field they just say how beautiful it is." Amanda, Curlew Ridge Flower Farm

What will people who come on the Farm Trail discover that they didn’t already know?

"There is something that you might be able to do in your own patch of dirt at home, that can have a ripple effect. You don’t have to have a big farm to start to make changes, I’d hope it sparks some excitement about how accessible different gems from different farms can be to each person, that combine to ingnite wonderful things in the heart, mind and home." Kellie & Grant, Farmerly. 


"How much food and other produce is produced locally. That you can shop outside of the big supermarkets and get amazing fresh local produce." Amanda, Curlew Ridge Flower Farm

"That visiting local farms is inspiring and heartwarming, and it's worth it because it makes you feel good."Susanne, Green Thumb Farm. 

How do you see yourself bringing about change about the way we buy and eat?

The more people that are looking for locally grown meat and vegetables, the more it supports the local farmers to retain the information required for future generations to leverage and learn from that. Less carbon miles on food, quality relationships with people who know what goes into the food that is nourishing their bodies. I think that foods have flavours from the terrain that they live and grow, how good would it be to take the time to taste a steak and really consider the particular flavours that might be imbued by landscape? Kellie & Grant, Farmerly. 

"Encouraging people to understand seasonality and eat seasonally and broaden their use of a larger range of vegetable varieties, than available in supermarkets"Belinda, Plot 4504,

"I believe even as a one person/two-hands ‘little’ producer, my small contribution of fresh produce to our local community does make a difference. Imagine if there were more little local producers contributing to the local food system, what an impact that would have!? "Leesa, Leesa's Little Farm. 

What do you like most about people visiting your farm and buying your produce?

"We are hoping to have a number of different businesses here on the day as a central hub to help showcase farmers in the region as well as seeing the education we provide. We will have compost, Compost tea brewers and microbiology sprayers."  Todd, The Regenerative Training Centre. 

"It's the vibe! We put so much hard work into growing flowers and when people say how beautiful our farm is and how much they love our flowers it's truly heartwarming. Huge smiles all round when people visit." Amanda, Curlew Ridge Flower Farm. 

"I love seeing the way that people gently place their salad into the esky, ask questions about how to keep it – they know, and I know that we have just made a meaningful transaction, and we are both appreciate that." Jacki, Blue Dog Farm. 

What do you hope to share with the farm trail visitors?

"I want to share our beautiful farm that we have worked so hard to create for the community. I want them to feel part of it, and see a way to be part of this journey too."  Susanne, Green Thumb Farm. 

"A glimpse into simple low tech farming that anyone and everyone can achieve." Todd, The Regenerative Training Centre. 

"Our beautiful farm, seasonal produce and flowers, and a range of local producers. I hope by seeing our market garden,  visitors will get some hints and tips to inspire them in the home garden or to think about where their food comes from." Belinda, Plot 4504.

"I want to share that elemental connection with the land and the produce, so that our Farm Trail guests might be able to develop their own patch, or at least source from farmers with the same values" Jacki, Blue Dog Farm. 


What does a weekend pass give you?

Entry to both days of the Farm Trail (from 9 am - 3 pm)

Free entry to win an array of amazing prizes and giveaways by the local farms, including flowers, fresh produce, and a farm stay package.

Opportunity to receive special discounts and savings in pre-order offers


Get your Tickets

For the love of flowers and food!

The Moreton Bay Farm Trail is a must-do for those passionate about supporting local farmers and sourcing their produce locally.

This will be a delightful journey through a diverse range of host farms. From sustainable field-grown cut flowers and foliage to regenerative farming practices, there is something for everyone! Enjoy culinary herbs, edible flowers, and local products, or explore the abundant market garden produce. Discover seasonal vegetables and find out about permaculture farming.

Explore the individual farms and their unique offerings that celebrate the bounties of our local agriculture…




Jump to a farm:

Plot 4504 Market Garden >

Curlew Ridge Flower Farm >

Basilea Living Herbs >

Green Thumb Farm >

The Regenerative Training Centre >

Red Fox Orchids >

Leesa's Little Farm >

Farmerly >

5x5 Experiment >

The Mini Farm Project >